Prototype Release!

The wait is over, people! The prototype of A Thug's Ascension, our open world game, has been finally released! Now everyone who wants can play the game, and give us direct feedback!

A Thug's Ascension has now been released as a closed prototype on under the refinery program. All those who have registered as external playtesters in our Discord server will receive a key using which they can get the game. You can join the Moonwalk Entertainment Discord server to register as a playtester before we run out of keys if you want to play the game. Playtesters will be able to give direct feedback to us, which we will compile after 2 weeks, after which we'll look into what is to be done with the project, that is, whether to continue with it or not.
Remember that the prototype is an extremely early version of the game and we are years away from the final release (on Steam). For the prototype we have given foremost attention to gameplay, and art has been, to a large extent, ignored. So if you get a key, please ignore the art. The game is also teeming with bugs in its current stage, but again, this is years away from the final build. As a playtester, you have to answer one simple question, "Is the game fun?" Did you enjoy the game? Or was it frustrating? What was frustrating? What did you like and what did you dislike? Don't complain of missing features, we will keep adding them as the game develops and this is a mere demonstration of the core gameplay of the title and what it's about: defeating the strongholds of the enemy gang and fighting for turf. Here are some screenshots:

You have full permission to do anything you want with the game except breaking copyright laws and our user agreements. You can stream the game all you want, and you sell your recordings for a million dollars each, we don't care. You can write and publish stuff about the game, you can use the game to be inspired or become jealous. Don't steal anything. We have lawyers.

Please enjoy!
