November 2018 Week #2

Why should holidays always mean an outing? It's not that we're against it or something, but it takes a lot of development time away. We managed to get stuff done nonetheless.

ADITYA CHANDRA (Lead Developer)

After playing around with the player, I'm getting that same old nasty error where pushing things around and aiming on the stairs triggers the ragdoll with console stating the reason for that as the force threshold was exceeded. The physics component that reads force (as relative velocity) sits as a child of the Player, and maybe my method of reading force is wrong...

private void FixedUpdate()
        if (transform.GetChild(4).gameObject.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().velocity.magnitude >= threshhold)
            Debug.Log("RAGDOLL! Force threshold exceeded");

I'll look into fixing it next week by changing how I get the force that is being applied on the object. As for other stuff, the main area of progression this week was the inventory system. I got the basics done and the U.I. is more or less complete.

Here's what's the inventory is capable of doing right now:
  • There are two inventories: one for the player, which displays and lets you interact with the items that you have with you, and one for the ground, which reads, displays and lets you pick up stuff on the ground near you.
  • The inventory functions on the basis of slots. The number of slots you have available with you for carrying items are limited, and in the future I'll add some kind of 'bagpack' item which increases the number of available slots.
  • There is a discard button next to all active slots in the player inventory which lets you drop the item somewhere near the player
  • Clicking active inventory slots will let you use the item. It's a virtual function but right now it just logs "You used <ItemName>!" in the console.
  •  You can also aim at items and press [F] to pick them up. This does exactly the same thing.
  • The [Tab] key lets toggle inventory display on and off.
I also made really basic U.I. for displaying messages to the player. Nothing fancy but I use a font which looks kinda good. :-)

The following playtest recording sums everything up:


Exams. No major progress.

Thanks for reading. Nothing huge was done this week but a considerable number of tasks were completed. We'll be doing awesome WEAPONS stuff next week and we'll be back with more, so until then, cheers.
