October 2018 Week #3

What's up, countrymen?

First of all, sorry for missing posting the blog posts in the past 2 weeks, the lead developer Aditya Chandra had his mid-term examinations at the factory school.

ADITYA CHANDRA (Lead Developer)

As for me, I couldn't do much because of my exams which just ended, as discussed earlier, but I still managed to do some stuff when I was free. First of all, some more bugs in our physics and render systems were discovered and fixed (more like destroyed), and the now animated and U.V. mapped humanoid was finally brought into the Unity game engine, where all of its animations were first defined...:

...and then they were all painstakingly organised into our animation web for the humanoid's animation controller (powered by Unity's Mechanim). BEHOLD (it may need some work):

That was all for now. I'm sure next week's progress will definitely be much better than the last three weeks (mostly because we have a seven-day holiday from school, and no exams). This week, I'm planning to make scripts that control the animations, and some more scripts for taking in input to control the player. Now that will be fun!


But I was still working! Here are some of the awesome assets I created during these three weeks... First up, the highlight of the post, a proud replica of the fantastic Koenigsagg Agera supercar, just to show you that there are gonna be more than enough cool rides in the game (the headlights are highlighted with red in case you couldn't find 'em... I couldn't):

Next up, I have an awesome DUNE BUGGY for you guys so that you can enjoy the hot deserts in style... or, well, anywhere you want (it's just fun to ride):

After this, I have for you a really badass PUMP-ACTION SHOTGUN. This little monster is expected to be the most damaging short-range weapon in the game, after some other really cool weapons we don't want to reveal yet. Here it is (sorry for the cull-stuff in the image):

Oh YEAH! Many more models were made as well, but I didn't have much time for this blog, so I thought I'd just show you some more highlights. Here I have a bloodthirsty tiger ready to chew the flesh off some luscious stags!

And then some earlier models which had flipped surfaces were fixed, and some more ugly deformations during some animations were removed.

A thank you very much for reading... see you next week!
